
Truck & Trailer Painting

The key to achieving a clean paint job is properly pressuring a paint booth with an Auto Balance System, is designed to automatically keep the booth balanced during operation. Along with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) that controls the exhaust fan motor, differential pressure gauge and sensing probes. The system monitors the interior booth pressure and will adjust the exhaust fan RPM’s to what is needed for the volume of exhaust air, based on the incoming intake air velocity. The result is a booth that is balanced automatically and will stay in balance as the filters load up with paint overspray.

We have 2 -GFS 55 ft. long, recirculating, pressurized, Private dry filter, Cross-draft paint booths. Each booth has its own 28,800 CFM Air Make Up Unit. As well our booths are equipped with color correction lighting system, Auto Air Balancing   & VFD systems and roll up doors. As well our Paint Mixing Room is state of the art and engineered to provide contamination control that is needed during the paint mixing process.  Along with our Legris Transair Compressed air system, we can guarantee a contaminate free, dust free, perfectly color matched finish on all of our paint jobs.

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  • Pet Auto Body Painters and Preppers are some of the best in the industry.  They are trained to spray with all types of paint systems and coatings.
  • Superior Color matching systems
  • Custom painting, both partial and complete
  • We use VOC Compliant products
  • We have our own Recycling system for paints and thinners
  • Multiple Pressure Pots and Paint guns
  • Paint mixing room equipped with state of the art mixing systems.

Our equipment has been designed to be both environmentally friendly as well as user friendly.  We believe that it is our responsibility and we take pride in the fact that we are doing our part to protect our employees as well as being Eco Friendly.